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Help for Getting Married

Getting married is more than a lifestyle option or just something that would be nice if it happens. Not only is marriage good and natural to want, it's what most of us are called to pursue. That's the message of Get Married: What Women Can Do to Help it Happen.

But there's a difference between making it happen and helping it happen. This isn’t a book about desperation or the hyper activity of joining every dating service and singles group. It's not about asking men out or tackling a list of 100 tips and techniques.

Get Married is about living like you’re planning to marry, even as you trust in the God who created marriage and is still in the business of making good matches. It esteems marriage, encourages men, ennobles women, and embraces Christian community and a biblical understanding of what marriage is for. Most importantly, it shows women that marriage is worth hoping for because it points to something much greater than a human relationship.

You can be content where you are today and still desire marriage in a way that honors God. And there are things you can do to help it happen.

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